Introducing the Network
As the United States went into COVID19 Lockdown, the "Witness Church Network" began to meet online to study church planting and discipleship.
Our Zoom meetings grew in number and we soon became a united community of "Disciples of Jesus". The coursework we studied was developed by Joel Dunham with input from many individuals and sources. We learnt about planting "Home Churches" and growing "Disciples of Christ".
The Network grew and is now made up of these two areas - a community of Disciples of Christ and the Training Materials we've built together.
We started with about 13 home churches represented.
By 1 January 2021, there were over 115 home based fellowships in our community.
And then the Lord began to grow our impact...
Over 1500 Home Churches - Join us
Materials are being Translated into many Languages
Presently in 11 Countries (and growing)
The Beginnings
In 2019 Joel Dunham studied "Church Planting" and "Discipleship" with Curtis Sergeant, a former missionary to China who started a house church movement in the early
Curtis presented a powerful strategy of Church growth through rapidly multiplying zero budget house churches and
volunteer disciples.
In 2020, Joel took these learnings and combined them with the New Testament church model as taught by The Last Reformation to build the Witness Church Network Materials.
The Foundation of the Training is the Real Gospel, as delivered by the first Apostles of Christ. This is the Power of God for Salvation to every person.
All modules in the Training have practical tasks and "homework" to enable participants to mature in their relationship with Christ, be free from oppression or sin and to be equipped for ministry with the power of the Holy Spirit.
Our Training encourages Disciples to follow Jesus, test everything on the Word of God and walk in the Spirit so that we are equipped to impact the communities around us. The training also includes some basics about community engagement and small group dynamics to help members lead their communities into a deeper relationship with Christ.
Vision & Mission
Our Goal is to see the Gospel go out to every community.
Our team came up with the slogan "All Nations viral until Jesus' arrival".
We believe the Lord is doing an old work - again - in the Christian world. Through small groups of faithful disciples everywhere, Home Churches are growing up and sending out workers to plant more home churches and so on.
These emerging communities are empowered by the freedom of the Real Gospel and lead by the Spirit and Obedience to the Word. Disciples of Christ, making Disciples of Christ. No human leader, but a plurality of leaders to assist with accountability and discipleship.
Our goal is to Train and Develop those willing to serve in this great harvest with the skills and genuine Faith that will enable them to walk in victory in this noble task.
Testimonials & Events
With a large part of our growth coming out of the African nation of Kenya, we dispatched a team to equip and learn from brother Naman Wanyama. Naman is a legacy church planter, who has shifted his ministry into a Home Church Discipleship movement.
I joined Joel in the discipleship and church planting training and really grew as we went through excellent teaching based on complete concepts of the Bible. I had the opportunity to visit Naman in Kenya and see the Gospel delivered and the people equipped to run churches from their homes in rural Kenya.
The Lord is doing a great work through this ministry - may He bless the work of all the hands who go through the material and apply the basics of the Gospel to their lives.
James Caw
Living for Eternity - South Africa
Contact Us
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We're taking the Gospel out. Visit our Donations page if you'd like to support us.