Welcome to
Living For Eternity
Jesus called us to much more than stained-glass Sunday services or just signs and wonders without long-term fruit.
The GOSPEL should bring freedom and fruit that lasts for eternity. All over the world the church is awakening to the good news of Jesus Christ and the power of God to set free. There's also a revived focus on sound doctrine and the authority of scripture. It's true - there's some good and some bad in most church communities. Instead of simply doing what was done before, we're testing what we believe and the things we do against what is written in the Word. Then - instead of changing the meaning of the text - we're changing our lives to look more like Jesus'. He is, after all, the ultimate example.
Discover the Real Christian Life. Read the Bible. Apply it.
“These things I have written to you who believe in the name
of the Son of God, that you may know that you have eternal life, and that you may continue to believe in the name of the Son of God."
1 John 5:13-14 NKJV
Follow Who?
Most of our traditions and lifestyles have been built on the teachings
and understanding of church leaders from the oast 300 years.
Some of these things are great - but many are idols.
Paul calls them "doctrines of demons" while Jesus accuses
the Pharisees of "taking the doctrines of
man and teaching them as the doctrines of God".
This website has been set up to help you discover what the real Christian life looks like in today's world
and how you too are called to become a born again disciple of Jesus.
Our passion and goal is to see more people set free from sin and death and living victorious lives for the
glory of God. It's only possible in His power and through our humility and submission to His ways.
The life we're called to is more than you can imagine. It's a call to obedience to Jesus' commandments and
a life of fruit and joy in the Lord.
Everything we do and say has an impact on someone's eternity.
Our heart is to live with that eternity in mind - for ourselves and those we meet while on this Earth.
We're following Jesus and testing all things against His Word.
We're loving Jesus and living for Eternity.
Join us. Dive in.
Bible First
Everything we need for Holiness and Godly living is found in the Bible. We test everything against the Word.
Jesus Only
There is only One Name under Heaven who can save us - Yeshua (Jesus) the Christ - the Son of the living God.
The Holy Spirit
God's gift to the church for revelation of God's Truth; of sin, righteousness & the Judgement to come. We who are "far off" still receive this promise. (Acts 2)
The Church
The Church are under attack. We need to be built up and encouraged. We're called to more. The building has value - but it is not the Church.
“This hope we have as an anchor of the soul, both sure and steadfast, and which enters the Presence behind the
Hebrews 6:19 NKJV
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We want to grow disciples fully equipped to live the real Christian life.
Whether you're just starting out, or yearning for more of Christ - we'd love to hear from you.
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The Pioneer School
Moving Away from Man's Tradition
In this exciting online course, Torben Søndergaard calls us back into the Bible. Following these practical lessons will change your life. It will help you to break free from traditions and structures that people have created, so you can enter into a life that is similar to the life we read about in the book of Acts. We watched all episodes, and then watched them again critically and highly recommend the content as an accurate, Biblical take on the Real Christian life.
Christianity 101 Book
Where to Start after You First Believe
Written in response to a church who don't know what they believe or where their beliefs come from - the first publication of Living For Eternity is a Discipleship 101 booklet. Packed with Scripture and written to encourage individuals to seek the Lord, build their lives on the Word and pursue genuine relationship with Christ.
The Bible App
Stick to the Word
The YouVersion Bible App is the most popular Bible for your Phone. It has multiple translations and cross references. The Search function is great for researching themes. It's a simple and accessible Bible with a growing number of languages.
The Bible Reading Plans and commentaries are mostly published by a particular sect and you should be weary of accepting everything they offer.
An Excellent Audio Bible
The Word of Promise
The Word of Promise Audio Bible is an excellent NKJV Dramatised Audio version of the Scriptures. It is available as an App where you can download the whole Scripture to your phone. An excellent companion for long distance drives and for experiencing God's Word in a refreshing way.
The Bible is our Primary Source of Insight into God and the Truth He has chosen to reveal to us.
All Scripture is inspired by God and is profitable for teaching, for rebuking,
for correcting, for training in righteousness, so that the man of God may
be complete, equipped for every good work.
2 Timothy 3:16-17 CSB
At an average reading rate, the whole Bible takes just under 71 hours to read aloud.
The New Testament takes less than 19 hours.
Psalms, which is the longest book will take about 41/2 hours if you read it from start to finish.
If you read four chapters a day, you’ll be able to read the whole Bible in a year.
You can see that it’s possible and achievable to full your mind and heart with
God’s word.
As Paul says to Timothy, the Scripture is useful for every day life.
“Learning about the Faith” Bible Reading Plan
Simply read the following Bible books in this order.
Luke - 150 minutes
Acts - 150 minutes
James - 15 minutes
1 Corinthians - 60 minutes
2 Corinthians - 40 minutes
Ephesians - 20 minutes
1 Timothy - 20 minutes
2 Timothy - 10 minutes
Matthew - 150 minutes
Colossians - 15 minutes
Titus - 10 minutes
1 Peter - 15 minutes
2 Peter - 10 minutes
Romans - 60 minutes
1 John - 20 minutes
2 John - 5 minutes
3 John - 5 minutes
Revelation - 85 minutes
Genesis - 210 minutes
Deuteronomy - 150 minutes
The Psalms and Proverbs are beautiful scriptures to look at intermittently.
They are songs and stories crafted to teach wisdom and understanding.
Take time to reflect on these as well and find encouragement for the daily Christian walk.
It is sometimes helpful to reflect on the scripture and only read a few verses as we try apply it to our lives.
At other times it is important to read a whole letter or book in one sitting so
that we get the big picture before focusing in on a specific section.
While these books may take some time to work through they will help to get
you into the Word and build up your foundations.
As you spend your time in the Word, you will grow in the knowledge of God and His ways.
Every moment spent here will be an investment in eternal things as you
work out your salvation and look forward to the future.
© 2024 Living for Eternity. All Rights Reseved.